søndag den 6. december 2009

Sooo.. Christmas is around the corner.

Hi Everyone!

Just doing a minor update on my life. ;)

Christmas is just around the corner, and I haven't done any Christmasshopping yet.
I have next week off from work, and hoping I'll get some work done.

This is kinda just a minor update on what's going on in Randers, Denmark at the moment.

I finally got a hold on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Assassins Creed 2, Tekken 6 and Uncharted 2.. Wich means I have absolutely no time for trying each game really.. Hehe
So far, I've completed Modern Warfare 2, started Assassins Creed 2, looked at Tekken 6, and haven't even opened Uncharted 2.

As I told you guys before I've started night shift, and I'm still liking it. :D

I might (Note: might) start posting some gear reviews on the site. Really want to make some youtube videos, but I haven't got a videocamera, and really don't consider myself to have a "video kinda voice" ;)

I guess this is all for now. Stay tuned for more, hopefully soon ;)

fredag den 30. oktober 2009

New gadgets. And random thoughts.


Long time no see, again, again.

I've started doing some night work, and I love it so far.
It's just me, my trusty iPhone and a bunch of podcasts!
I've listened to De Sorte Spejdere (The Black Scouts) so far. It's a danish radioshow that discontinued last winter unfortunately.. Didn't get to hear it back then, so thought I'd give it a shot.. They are great, they talk alot, just being funny and bullsh!tting people basicly.. (Yeah, very childish, I know)

In the meantime I've got a new watch (Casio ProTrek Titanium chain) and I really love it! I needed one to wear for work, and this one is working great! It has a altimeter, thermometer and a bunch of other gadgets in it, haven't really had a need for it yet, but hey, might as well overkill when it's posible ;)

Then I got a Leatherman Wave, and oh my god what a nice piece of tool! It is sooooo well made, and everything is tough and good looking. I've tried a bunch of multi tools so far, in a variety of prices but this one really takes first place! It does cost, but it's money well spent.

Then the other night I was randomly browsing through several websites kinda looking to get a new flashlight, and there it was! Leatherman Monarch 300 LED light! Cheap, fast delivery, reliable. That was it! Ordered it, and it came yesterday, gave it a shot last night and it worked out be great.. Works at least as well as my MagLight 3Dcell ripoff even though the Leatherman doesn't have a focus option, it have a perfect light cone, it's waterproof, and simple design.

Fits perfect in my pocket, still allowing acces to keys and so on.

I know I haven't been active for a while, and I hope I can change that in the future.

This is all.. For now

søndag den 13. september 2009

Update :)

Long time no se I'm afraid.. ^_^

As you might allready noticed, I've changed the general "theme" on the site.. Let me know what you think?

Got bored with the plain black theme.. Wanted to try out something new..

I'm not really doing anything today, just locked the door, threw on a Blu-Ray and sat on the sofa with my blanket :D

onsdag den 26. august 2009


I haven't been able to take any pictures all year because I had an accident were I broke my camera lense.

Then this evening I was rather bored, and went online looking for a used lense for my camera.
Didn't take me more that 5 minutes before I found a brand new Nikon lense not too far from me.

Texted him and called a buddy if I could borrow his car. And now I have a fully functional camera and I can start taking pictures again!

Can't wait to get startet. I really missed it!

Below is some pictures I took yesterday with a lense I borrowed.

fredag den 7. august 2009

Getting older.

Oh my.
I turned 25 today, and boy does time fly.

I still remember the day I got my PSX, 10 years ago.
Back then, I payed a whole lot of money for it, and I was so bloddy exitited about it, and started it up with Metal Gear Solid in it. And BOY what a game?! It was so good looking at the time (AT THE TIME!)

Back then, if you wanted to play with others, you'd bring your console and play via a linkcable.. Nowadays you hit a button, and instantly you play with a bunch of angry americans or french ppl.

A couple of weeks ago I found some old PlayStation Magasines at my mums house, and that instantly took me back, I just sad there for hours reading old reviews of Final Fantasy 8 and Metal Gear Solid.

It's amasing how much happend in 10 years.. Take a look at MGS and MGS4. MGS4 is so good looking, and so much detail.
MGS was, roughly 50 pixels on screen in different colors.. but like I said, back then, it was good looking.


My birthday.
Haven't really done much today.
There was a street party at 6pm to late night (Still not done as we speak)
Didn't really know any ppl there, but at one time the lady who arranged it, announced that it was, in fact, my birthday, and everyone should sing birthday song for me..
So, that's the first time ever I've had 45-some ppl singing happy birthday to me!


Haven't gotten any presents yet, I'm throwing a party next saturday, so I'll get most presents then. :)

onsdag den 5. august 2009

Train ride.

Right this second I realized why I hate public transport. A bunch of ppl screaming and shouting for no apparent reason. And if you even remotely look the tiniest bit out of context you are sure to be the laughing stock of the pack and get yelled profanityies at.

Can't in my wildest imagination think of anyone who willingly does this on a daily basis. I guess all I can do is plug in my head phones and listen to music, and start thinking about how to save money for a car.

Speaking of cars!
It's cheaper to rent a car and drive most places in Denmark instead of taking ie. a train. It makes no sense at all.

I uses to ride the train a lot.
Didn't mind it back then, but these days I bloddy hate it.
I guess I've gotten used to having a car. Amazing what people get used to and how we become independent on even the tiniest little things.

What happend since my last submission.

I know it has been quite a while since I wrote anything inhere.

I haven't really been up to all that much, just didn't feel like writing all that much.

And for those of you wondering why I'm writing in english, I just feel like it :D
Guess you've gotta keep up with time :D

And for Hannah to be able to read without rubbish translation by Google.. ;)

I've gone thrugh some changes, I've gotten much happier. Not worring about all sorts of silly stuff..

These past couple of months I had my holiday, didn't do anything, but still, nice to just stay home and chill..

I got my forklift license too. No faults what so ever..
So, now I'm a certified forkliftdriver :D
Now, all I need is crane, motorcycle and buss, then I've got it all :D

I started playing PS3 again after a couple of months without playing.. Just got Battlefield 1943 and Fat Princess.. Great games, masive online community part in both games..

I kind of stopped playing Call of Duty 4, don't really feel like it anymore, not quite sure why though..
Still looking forward to Modern Warfare 2 though, it's going to me MASIVE fun acording to the gametrailers so far.

I got Dead Space cheap (Not a game I would have bought, full price, ever)
But! What a great game! It's one of the frightening games i've ever tried! Definitely worth a try.

I was accepted as a news writer for a danish ps3 site, early july, so I'm trying to make it as a news guy too. :D

Ohh well.. I think this is it for now.. I will try to make submissions more often from now on, so stick by, and have a look see :D

søndag den 22. februar 2009

Misc. billeder.

Var med min tante ude og gå tur med hendes hunde klub, og havde kameraet med, så jeg kunne tage nogle billeder.. Her er lidt af dem.

Mmm.. muslinger smager, ehm, af muslinger vel? :D

Der er en ufattelig energi i de hunde. 

Ja, har ikk så meget med hunde at gøre, men skulle med.. :D

Resten kommer altså senere, den upload funktion der er her er altså ikk ret god.. 

Playstation 3.

Nårh ja, byttede min Xbox360 til en Playstation 3.. Dejlig maskine.. halter lidt med joypad designet, det er lidt som om de er lavet til børns hænder, og ikke voksne mennesker (Som faktisk udgør 2/3 af gruppen der faktisk bruger konsoller..) men købte noget tilbehør (Læs: Nogle plastik dimser man sætter på så den føles bedre) til 50,- .. Det er det bedste køb nogensinde til PS3.. nu er den til at bruge uden man får krampe i hænderne.. 

Eneste minus er faktisk at nu skal jeg til at bygge min spilsamling op igen.. hehe 
Har Call of Duty 4 og 5 (Begge er gennemført, grundet det med manglende net og tv.. :D )
og så har jeg nogle få andre spil.. Flere spil kommer når jeg får bedre råd..

Nu med net, igen.

Tja, så har man lige været uden internet og TV siden omkring jul.. 

Det var en bommert fra min side (Go figure it out.)

Aldrig i mit liv har jeg set så mange DVD'er.. hehe
Havde kun TV2 med støj.. og nu sender tv2 jo ikke altid lige de mest sindsoprivende ting, såeh, film it is.. :D

Fandt for det første ud af hvor meget jeg faktisk ser nyhederne, har bare aldrig rigtigt lagt mærke til det før.. Var faktisk ret træt af jeg ikke kunne følge med i det der nu engang sker rundtomkring.. Havde godtnok Radio ABC i løbet af dagen, men alligevel.. Men efter jeg har fået net og tv igen, ser jeg faktisk ikk ret meget tv.. Ser Discovery, zulu og tv3 kanalerne, that's basicly it.. resten zapper jeg igennem..

Er dog forholdsvis meget på nettet, både på Playstationen og på computeren, tjekker spil nyheder, googler, youtuber og stener på div sider generelt.. og spiller online på playstationen.. :) 

Faldt over Comedy fight club serien blandt andre.. 
Aldrig har jeg grinet så meget, bortset fra når Simon Kold var på.. Den knægt er seriøst underlig.. forstår ikke hvordan han kan være i top 3 i stortset hvert afsnit.. 
Ved ikk om han er god live, og Zulu bare er nogle amatørere til at klippe sammen, eller folk der ser det live bare er spritstive.. Det var tydeligt i nogle af afsnittene at de andre komikere stod og grinede af ham, fordi han var så hjernedød latterlig at høre på.. 

Men har alle afsnittene, og mine absolutte favoritter er Steen 'Nalle' Nielsen og Simon Talbot.. 
Nalle har den der lidt lallede tilgang til det hele, og kommer med de fede one liners, og Talbot er bare pisse sjov med hans mimik og små kommentarer.. 


Har faktisk ferie i en uge nu, ikke frivilligt, men må vel prøve at få slappet lidt af.. 
Ville nu godt nok hellere være på arbejde..

Mit kamera er gået i stykker, så kan ikk engang tage billeder.. og har ingen bil, så kan ikk rigtigt komme nogle steder.. 


Tja, der var nok ikk så meget af der her du kunne bruge til ret meget, men sådan er det nu engang at læse en blog.. :P Her er det mig der bestemmer hvad du skal læse muhahahahahaha :D

(Ja, det er sent, og jeg er overtræt)