onsdag den 26. august 2009


I haven't been able to take any pictures all year because I had an accident were I broke my camera lense.

Then this evening I was rather bored, and went online looking for a used lense for my camera.
Didn't take me more that 5 minutes before I found a brand new Nikon lense not too far from me.

Texted him and called a buddy if I could borrow his car. And now I have a fully functional camera and I can start taking pictures again!

Can't wait to get startet. I really missed it!

Below is some pictures I took yesterday with a lense I borrowed.

fredag den 7. august 2009

Getting older.

Oh my.
I turned 25 today, and boy does time fly.

I still remember the day I got my PSX, 10 years ago.
Back then, I payed a whole lot of money for it, and I was so bloddy exitited about it, and started it up with Metal Gear Solid in it. And BOY what a game?! It was so good looking at the time (AT THE TIME!)

Back then, if you wanted to play with others, you'd bring your console and play via a linkcable.. Nowadays you hit a button, and instantly you play with a bunch of angry americans or french ppl.

A couple of weeks ago I found some old PlayStation Magasines at my mums house, and that instantly took me back, I just sad there for hours reading old reviews of Final Fantasy 8 and Metal Gear Solid.

It's amasing how much happend in 10 years.. Take a look at MGS and MGS4. MGS4 is so good looking, and so much detail.
MGS was, roughly 50 pixels on screen in different colors.. but like I said, back then, it was good looking.


My birthday.
Haven't really done much today.
There was a street party at 6pm to late night (Still not done as we speak)
Didn't really know any ppl there, but at one time the lady who arranged it, announced that it was, in fact, my birthday, and everyone should sing birthday song for me..
So, that's the first time ever I've had 45-some ppl singing happy birthday to me!


Haven't gotten any presents yet, I'm throwing a party next saturday, so I'll get most presents then. :)

onsdag den 5. august 2009

Train ride.

Right this second I realized why I hate public transport. A bunch of ppl screaming and shouting for no apparent reason. And if you even remotely look the tiniest bit out of context you are sure to be the laughing stock of the pack and get yelled profanityies at.

Can't in my wildest imagination think of anyone who willingly does this on a daily basis. I guess all I can do is plug in my head phones and listen to music, and start thinking about how to save money for a car.

Speaking of cars!
It's cheaper to rent a car and drive most places in Denmark instead of taking ie. a train. It makes no sense at all.

I uses to ride the train a lot.
Didn't mind it back then, but these days I bloddy hate it.
I guess I've gotten used to having a car. Amazing what people get used to and how we become independent on even the tiniest little things.

What happend since my last submission.

I know it has been quite a while since I wrote anything inhere.

I haven't really been up to all that much, just didn't feel like writing all that much.

And for those of you wondering why I'm writing in english, I just feel like it :D
Guess you've gotta keep up with time :D

And for Hannah to be able to read without rubbish translation by Google.. ;)

I've gone thrugh some changes, I've gotten much happier. Not worring about all sorts of silly stuff..

These past couple of months I had my holiday, didn't do anything, but still, nice to just stay home and chill..

I got my forklift license too. No faults what so ever..
So, now I'm a certified forkliftdriver :D
Now, all I need is crane, motorcycle and buss, then I've got it all :D

I started playing PS3 again after a couple of months without playing.. Just got Battlefield 1943 and Fat Princess.. Great games, masive online community part in both games..

I kind of stopped playing Call of Duty 4, don't really feel like it anymore, not quite sure why though..
Still looking forward to Modern Warfare 2 though, it's going to me MASIVE fun acording to the gametrailers so far.

I got Dead Space cheap (Not a game I would have bought, full price, ever)
But! What a great game! It's one of the frightening games i've ever tried! Definitely worth a try.

I was accepted as a news writer for a danish ps3 site, early july, so I'm trying to make it as a news guy too. :D

Ohh well.. I think this is it for now.. I will try to make submissions more often from now on, so stick by, and have a look see :D