onsdag den 5. august 2009

Train ride.

Right this second I realized why I hate public transport. A bunch of ppl screaming and shouting for no apparent reason. And if you even remotely look the tiniest bit out of context you are sure to be the laughing stock of the pack and get yelled profanityies at.

Can't in my wildest imagination think of anyone who willingly does this on a daily basis. I guess all I can do is plug in my head phones and listen to music, and start thinking about how to save money for a car.

Speaking of cars!
It's cheaper to rent a car and drive most places in Denmark instead of taking ie. a train. It makes no sense at all.

I uses to ride the train a lot.
Didn't mind it back then, but these days I bloddy hate it.
I guess I've gotten used to having a car. Amazing what people get used to and how we become independent on even the tiniest little things.

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